The new Xiaomi 12 Ultra photo camera is not only invisible to all professional machinists. Spuntano confessed in merit
Sale of the new for the new Xiaomi 12 Ultra, modello top di gamma della serie che ancora non ha visto la luce. As far as the ultimate indication is concerned, the asiatic aspirations of the world have become unique in the maggio quella ideal for its presentation.
Nell’attesa, sono già diversi i rumor legati alla scheda tecnica di un prodotto destinato ad essere tra i migliori top di gamma del 2022. A partire dalla fotocamera, professionally come poche volte prima d’ora. The posterior module does not contain the enormous and circular form, as it confirms the rendering and the dump dumping is annoying. But not only that, but the indication of a realization in partnership with Leica.
Xiaomi 12 Ultra avrà i sensori Leica: c’è la conferma
An alternative to how much money we need to pass. The new photographic module Xiaomi 12 Ultra dovrebbe essere prodotto in collaboration with Leica. The adventure for professional photojournalists who want to go straight to their mobile settlements, a destination that annoys the partnership with Xiaomi.
Last but not least, the XDA-Developers community has added a small but important detail to the latest version of MIUI code. They are different Relation to March Leicain particulate matter with refinements that can be applied to the entire filter applicable to the photo camera: Leica Monochrom, Leica Monochrom High Contrast, Leica Natural and Leica Vivid.
From the process of Maggio we can expect the latest information and rumor to be proposed. Quel che è certo è che qucosa bolle in pentola, e la Collaboration between Xiaomi and Leica Most probable if far. We will be able to manage “second-hand” or with a vera and proprietary sensor production in partnership. Xiaomi 12 Ultra gives you the best smartphone market col miglior comparto fotograficocon lenti che nulla hanno da invidiare a quelle delle macchine professionali.