The 12 Ultra di Xiaomi are ready to sell their merchandise. The Chinese chiropractor decides that the finest will disappear for the new top gamma
Double the standard model, the 12X and the 12 Pro, the gamma of the flagship Xiaomi See the latest completeness of the ultimate device without leaving: il 12 Ultra. We are looking at the top of the gamma dell’azienda, in the face of sviluppo da ormai diverso tempo e che si prepara a dire la sua in un mercato ricco di competitor.
Nelle scorse ore, is spuntate new information in merit. Stand up to how much the digital chat station leaker, the soc dovrebbe essere la versione Plus dello Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. One variant anchor more potent and richer potential.
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Xiaomi 12 Ultra, what do we know and when will it be launched?
Stand up to how much time we have in the end, la Ultra version del Xiaomi 12 put all photos on the camera. Prevent an extremely module, with ben Quick sensory: The main ones are 50 MP, tele 2x to 48MP, tele 5x to 48 MP and a perceptual 10x to 48 MP. Come già anticipato, il SoC potrebbe essere il Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+present the main panel bordi curvi e ricchi di dettagli.
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If you are looking for a possible period of lancio s from mercato the top model of Xiaomi gamma, that andrà a complement a seri già di per sé molto buona. Stand up to how refresher the Chinese Digital Chat Station is, the more technically unique it is. The third quarter of 2022 come finestra ideale. Multiple probability subtot dopo l’estate, in conjunction with the presentation of the iPhone 14. Don’t miss the newcomer part of the Xiaomi station or other specialties of the site.