The multinational Chinese Xiaomi has launched its new prototype full color laser cinematography, a new model of prototyping of an ultra-cortical, particle-like typeface that allows the position to be placed. distanze how si usa fare solitamente.
Due to the charismatic nature that distinguishes the projector laser from Xiaomi from concordance, as recorded by, and precisely base technology and illumination system. Nel detaglio l’azienda cinese no ha puntata su un proiator DLP ma su an LCoS technology The liquid crystal is made on silicon, overo, crystalline liquids from silicone. The solution is a solution that will solve their problems JVC and Sony, and even more definite LCD riflessivi, The module distinguishes 3LCD, which is always based on its crystallized liquid but with a “transmissive” technology. The main capacitance of LCOSS is that the potter offers a very high contrast report, even depending on the type of matrix utilized, and the new Xiaomi matrix has a 0.37 policy with full HD resolution.
“L’Ottica has a report on your topic 0,25: 1 – Proceed to – ​​and permit. Get your scroll with dimensions comparing 60 ″ and 150. The almost luminous cost of RGB laser, has a triplet font (one laser rosso, one verde and one blue) which assumes a maximum luminance of 1,400 ANSI lumens. To optimize the positioning of Xiaomi consiglium non-abnormal schermi with the possible mass diagonals. The Chinese market showed a copy of the Spazio color BT.2020 at 95%. If possible you can enter in signals with elevated gamma dynamics in HDR10 format. How much more functional, a little more audio There are currently 2 full speakers and 2 tweets, which are compatible with the DTS-HD and Dolby Audio certifications.
If you want to induce audio on an ester system via ARC, the audio channel on HDMI channel, transmit digital octica or Bluetooth 5.0 music, Images of images è Affidavit to AiPQ technology, data algorithm applause “for migration the MEMC movement (Motion Estimation Motion Compensation), easy to understand, increase the level of detection, its value . The price is very high 1,050 euro, Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the commercial Italian market. In alternate pottery acquisition of model alternatives your Amazon attracts this linka comicary of an interesting Epson Offering a lamp at a price of 500 euros. Always looking at the Epson stock at the top of the model gamma from 1,849 euros, acquistable qui.