(Pocket-lint) – Snap and Ticketmaster have partnered to offer a new gig ticket experience in Snapchat.
An in-app Ticketmatcher Mini enables Snapchat users to find gigs based on their own music choices, share them with friends and even create a guest list of those interested in attending. Tickets can then be purchased through the Ticketmaster service.
In addition, a new Map Layer will show upcoming gigs near to users. Alternatively, click on an venue and you will see its upcoming gig list.
The Mini works by first asking users to swipe left or right on upcoming show recommendations, in order to find the artists and music genres he, she or they prefer. It will then twak the recommendations in future.
A Snapchatter can then see if any friends have matched with the same event – dating app style – and can start a convection with them through the Snapchat Camera. They and other friends can then be added to the guest list and the group can decide whether to purchase tickets on Ticketmaster’s secure website.
The Mini and Map Layer mark a first for Snapchat but could lead to other partnerships and in-app opportunities in the future.
It is currently rolling out to more than 20 countries around the globe.
Writing by Rik Henderson.