The app and functionality varies in messaging, since Messenger is securely used for any purpose, thanks to the advent of WhatsApp, Telegram and affiliate. This is the first infatuation of the first, all the napkins on Facebook, but secure the menu sviluppata.
Support in secure termination: the chat scambite tramite on Facebook application, or the direct tram messenger when the app is given autonomous, not a goddamn cousin “crittografia end-to-end”. Almano fino ad oggi.
I portavoce di Meta This is an info on our chat with Messenger of Critography E2EE, The cosmopolitan critique of end-to-end, which consents easily and due to the participation of all chats, destinatio and mittente, to conceive of what is written in the chat. Include additives and proprietary applications.
Messenger and the new functionality, rejuvenation and chiming
The directness of end-to-end critical criticism E2EE is not a new asset to Messenger: the application does not have any annoying data, since 2016, but not all users have received the same data. They also incorporate the functionality of the message at the disposal of all.
It does not solve the problem of relating to all chats, but it also eliminates the need to translate applications. This is due to two modes to enable end-to-end crittography: to get the message Message temporarily scrutinized alto on a chat già assistant, to support a new chat attivando toggle nel momento cui si comincia a chattare.
After all crittography end-to-end, the app Messenger di Facebook This allows you to create even more functionalities, such as the ability to utilize GIF ultra all photos, add-ons, resolutions and messages and the ability to select other messages and chats.
Facebook Messenger è nato nel 2008, the moment of nascita on Facebook, with the name of Facebook Chat. Initially it was integrated into social media as an instant messaging service and videochat of social media, and has been the first innovation since 2010, primarily related to the stand-alone app for iOS and Android in 2011.
Nel corso degli anni, Meta The new app has a new variation on the various operating systems, has launched a dedicated web site and has separated the functionality of the messaging app on Facebook, retrieving the latest utilities to make the web application easier or more convenient. operative system.
April 2017 Facebook Messenger Receiving its latest version of the lite concept for what lens conventions and colors that can be found on a smartphone with specific technical insufficiency to support the traditional version of the app.