Recently, this has been confirmed in a direct interview with the game developers sony There are opinions that Microsoft He will take it as a valuable franchise Call of Duty. This complaint was heard throughout the industry, to the point that manufacturers God of War, David Jaffe Gave his opinion about this unfortunate comment.
Creative called sony As weak, because he feels that his attitude is somewhat childish, as if he were a child being carried away with a piece of candy. Given this, he has ensured that the team has some of the most creative minds in the industry today. So instead of ‘crying’ they should work on the game so as not to harm the competition.
It’s like Sony is saying ‘That’s not right!’” Be a man! Get better, compete! You guys are some of the most creative people doing your headlines; Still next to the best technology on the planet. Fuck you! fight War, damn it! Maybe so. That’s probably what bothers me the most about this.
I love PlayStation: personally, financially and as an entertainment company. They have given me so much. But even so, they shouldn’t have said that, IMO. It’s just a bad, dirty look…
— David Scott Jaffe (@davidscottjaffe) August 2, 2022
I love PlayStation – personally, financially and as an entertainment company. They have given me so much. But even so, I don’t think they should have said that. It’s just a bad look, weakness…
In news related to company reports, activism Confirmed that gradually they are losing players Call of Duty, something that can have a powerful effect on money. However, they plan to keep regular users and more people may join in the next release. If you want to read all the information, we invite you to click on it link.
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