Lots of news for premium users but also for users without a subscription. Interface improvements for both iOS and Android, emojis in states, reactions (“reactions”) to messages: we discover all the news of the latest update of the Telegram messaging app.
Its latest update Telegram Both introduce many new features for the operating system iOS For both operating systems Android. Dedicated to many users premiumBut users can enjoy a lot without subscription improvement Create new possibilities for interfaces and interactions.
starting from response can be used for messages, which are now unlimited for premium users and up to a maximum of three available for each; Then going through the expansion of the panel EmojiSo you can still include More packages and pictures.
And then, again for premium users, the possibility to add their own emoji directly Statesfor time adjustable Optionally, draw from stock images or “custom” icons.
New urls for users, channels and groups and changes for iOS and Android
For both personal accounts and channels and groups, now Telegram has made a change in its structure URL: from the traditional t.me/username, now it does nomeutente.t.me.
beside AndroidInstead, users will now be able to set Download According to their needs and, in stages of opening and closing multimedia files, they will be able to use new ones Animation Now inserted with interface update appropriate With the requirements of the thirteenth version of the operating system.
they are iOSOn the other hand, Telegram has included the possibility to access through the app as well Google e apple (NB: Same thing for Android too) and a new one is also created Setup page With the addition of new animated icons.
Source: www.punto-informatico.it