A new Acunetix premium update for Windows, Linux, and macOS has been released: 14.8.220519149.
This Acunetix release introduces support for Jetty and WildFly, which allows the use of Java IAST sensors (AcuSensor) with these Java servers. In addition, the Java IAST sensor has been fully updated to support Servlet 3 and Jersey, which enhances the coverage of scans performed in web applications that use these Java frameworks. This Acunetix update includes many new vulnerabilities testing, updates, improvements and product corrections.
New features
- The Java IAST sensor now supports Jetty and WildFly Java Severs
- Improved support for Servlet3 and Jersey Java Framework
New vulnerability check
- Various UI improvements
- Advanced detection of directory traversal vulnerabilities
- Advanced identification of directory listing vulnerabilities
- Advanced detection of development files
- Several improvements to LSR / Dipscan
- Fixed an issue with AcuSensor not showing up as verified due to some vulnerabilities identified by AcuSensor
- Fixed an issue with root not being listed by Java IAST sensor
- Target 2 issues have been solved in CSV import
- Troubleshooting a non-SCA in Java Spring Boot web applications
- Fixed an issue with some checks not working on cookies with secure flags
Upgrade to latest build
If you already use Acunetix build 14.x, you can start automatic upgrades from the new build notification in the Acunetix UI> Related Page
If you have used Acunetix Build 13.x or earlier, you need to download Acunetix from here. Use your Acunetix license key to download and activate your product.
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