Another dealer has the new devices in stock and is even selling them below the RRP.
Sometimes there are strange “miracles” and this is certainly the case with the new Redmi Note 13 series, which will not be launched until mid-January 2023. But dealers have been supplied long ago and dealers Apparently the devices are already allowed to be offered. Aldi already has the Redmi Note 13 with 256 GB in stock.
And did you know: Aldi is even selling smartphones below RRP. Instead of being offered at 299 euros like others, the Redmi Note 13 5G comes with 256 GB There for 279 euros Over the counter and the ALDI sour starter set is available as a free bonus, so the savings are theoretically even greater.
I got the Redmi Note 13 Pro+ myself and will test it for you before the official market launch. Treat yourself to new devices, they are actually already available.
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