The latest Android Auto introduces the function “Diagnostic of avvio USB”. Here is something to serve and something very important
Se Android Auto is not a function Since you have autobiography, spaces and volunteers the element of the stratum è can be found in a few malfunctions cavo USB Utilize the smartphone all the infotainment o, peggio ankora, from this place USB port. How do we make accusations? Fino ad ora, quando Android Auto non parteWe will solve a problem, provoking and reporting alternatives that may cause remediation to a problem very quickly. For the most part, this is a great way to change and ultimately introduce the latest Google add-ons to the much-needed tangible support at the end of immediate.
Come show it on Twitter with the caption of the XDA Developers community, Mishaal Rahman, The latest Android Auto update ha (finally) added a diagnostic function utility Functionally controls del USB port of USBgiving a feedback to everyone in the case Android Auto non parte sull’autovettura. One of the reasons is the cavity and the efficiency of the procedure Collect all the smartphonesthe diagnostic component incorporated with the ultimate update to the user to individually identify the problem or snooze on their eventual malfunctions with the USB connection.
Android Auto is not a function: the problem è especially since the USB connection
Bad USB cables are frequently behind Android Auto issues, so in the latest version of the Android Auto app (7.5.121104), Google’s adding a USB Startup Diagnostics tool.
– Mishaal Rahman (MishaalRahman) March 16, 2022
Nelle immagini showrate by Mishaal Rahman, if you ever find something you don’t like in this case The smartphone does not connect to anything. In that sense, intuitively equivocal ”Diagnostica avvio USB“, Verification in the quality of cavity utilization and eventual interpolation verification. This question, how did it happen? Google support pageone of the main causes of malfunction Android Auto è Take advantage of the quality of USB connections: Big G uses infotaines that can be inserted into the configuration of the smartphone’s sales, with the option of having a lung meno on a metro and sprouting “USB hub or prong”.
The last new app Android Auto è stata rilevata nella versione 7.5.121104 in the course of distribution. The relationship was initiated by qualifying and approaching graduation and entry process. To verify the functionality of the question in question, simply enter some of the features of Android Auto and choose the word “Guide to Connection”Diagnostica avvio USB“.