Samsung recently launched the Galaxy S24 series at the latest Unpacked event, which has some AI features. This includes, among other things, the new Galaxy AI and the “Circle to Search” search function. The latter will soon be available for Google Pixel users.
Circle to Search: Die neue Suchmethode
Google confirmed via Twitter that the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro (Test) On 31st January The new circle-to-search function will be saved. This feature makes it possible to search for information directly in an app without leaving it. Users can search for information using simple gestures such as circling, highlighting or tapping. For example, users can circle products featured in a video, such as glasses, bags or boots, to get quick information about them
Google Pixel 8 Pro
Google’s new flagship smartphone stands out not only with its revised camera, but also with new AI functions, a new Tensor G3 chip and an extremely bright OLED screen.
Application scenarios and functionality
There are a few application scenarios that are conceivable for this. An example: you want to know what brand an influencer is wearing in a video. With Circle to Search, the user can then simply circle the items they want and instantly receive similar products from different providers. This feature is activated by long pressing the home button or navigation bar.
In addition, Circle to Search offers the possibility to search with text and images simultaneously with combined search. It makes concepts or topics easier to understand. For example, you can circle a corn dog and ask why it’s so popular.
For reasons of better readability, masculine, feminine and different language forms (m/f/d) are not used at the same time. All personal names apply equally to all genders.