Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero It became a huge success as it is one of the most popular franchises in the anime world in the United States and Latin America. And undoubtedly, one of the most beloved characters in the story, BulmaThe film shows why he is considered one of the most intelligent people in the world.
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In the movie they use the desire to release hidden energy picoroThanks for this Bulma I already had Dragon Ball to use at some point. And longing for once NamelyThe blue-haired scientist wanted something a little more simple, as he focused on restoring his body.
Specifically, she asked to get rid of some wrinkles, improve her eyelashes, and finally, reaffirm the back of her body. Something that some might think is trivial, but it’s a pretty smart thing to do. As this is how it is discovered why the character does not age so quickly and this can be verified by comparing himself to his wife. goku, the milk.
This can certainly be a relevant aspect, but now those who are demanding Bulma By now he should be quite old, even about the third stage of old age. Now they’ll be sure why the character stays in good shape over the years, something that can be quite amusing to certain audiences.
Through: joke book