After the first Android apps appeared on the web and were recommended in independent channels, DynamicSpot, the app that also brings Apple’s Dynamic Island to the Big G operating system, has finally landed on the Google PlayStore in both free and paid versions. $4.99. Let’s check out the features.
It was just a matter of timing. In recent weeks we have already talked about some developers who, inspired by its new features Apple D Dynamic Island Presented during the event far awayThey developed similar solutions and then offered their downloads on independent channels.
And now the equivalent of Dynamic Island for iOS officially comes to the operating system as well Android. is called Dynamicsspotwas created by the developer the sack and available now Google Play Store Free version and $4.99 in Pro version.
It appears and, at the same time, acts almost like a “twin sister“By Dynamic Island. The Only Condition”not right”: To be able to use it with Android, the smartphone must have a camera in the center On the top of the device, and not on the side of the display, near the edge or anywhere else.
Key Features of DynamicSpot for Android
Once downloaded, the DynamicSpot app is all you need permission To access notifications and apps installed on compatible devices. The user can then set which notifications to show and interact with through DynamicSpot’s floating window.
Even the island’s aesthetics and location, sorry, can be spot on Customized as desired And you can choose one of its display options Maximum of two notifications at the same time When they arrive at the reception.
The app is currently distributed the beta And, while not offering the same performance as Apple’s Island, both in terms of quantity and quality, it’s a legit Android user alternative, with potential for future implementation. To download it, Here is the link on the Google Play Store.