Take a look at Mark Zuckerberg’s parody, the latest NFT entry on Instagram from the far side of the universe. Ecco tutti i dettagli
Cryptovalute, NFT, Metaverso e chi più ne ha più ne metta. This is the most important part of the ultimate time for those who want to settle down with tech and finances, with the themes that always seem to be far away from our lives. Even the most varied social network is not a viable option and is very popular.
Is the case Instagram che, stando alle parole di Mark Zuckerbergpresto acclairà sulla sua piattaforma gli NFT. What is the problem? We are talking about Non-Fungible Tokens, which we want to acquire from one person and one son, in how much we spend on our blockchain.
NFT on Instagram, by Mark Zuckerberg
Nel corso di una conferenza del festival South by Southwest (SXSW) intitolata “Into the Metaverse: Creators, Commerce and Connection”, Mark Zuckerberg ha dichiarato – tra le altre cose – che presto anche gli NFT entreranno a far parte di Instagram. “We love NFT on Instagram to brew the term. Not only this, with the help of this app you can do everything. But in the course of the month of May, the possibility of the portal of NFT will come to an end, and we will be able to see the time in the grades of coniare cose at any time.” le sue parole.
In fact, it is not possible to get a parlor out of a genius. The Financial Times even before the initial launch of the initiative, increasing sia Instagram che Facebook. “The idea that your avatar has met with metavers can conceive like an NFT and can be a port of call for everyone. This is one of the most important technical issues that can be solved first because it can prevent serious problems.“After Zuckerberg’s succession, I hope that all of them will continue to fight with Metaverso. It is not possible to attend and see how the situation evolves the level of the concreto.