Nel segno della trasparente. The Colossus Mountain View app was a novelty for Google Play, an Android Market template, which provides digital distribution services such as an official app store, a digital media store.
With the new functionality, the glimpses of the developers will be lost Foreign intelligence information How to use the app rackolgono, condimentono and protege and data. Users will be able to see the security of their seasons on Google Play and their developers will be able to complete this seizure for every 20 minutes from the app.
Since the app developers have updated the functionality or modification of the management practices, most of the latest updates in the security section of the app. In a way that millions and millions of users could possibly have a unique vision of the security of applications Google Play.
Satisfy the requirements of MASVS and translate into a secure app
“We appreciate the content and features of the app that visualize the data collected on an app, even if contested, is not enough“. E ‘proprio Google to be able to meet the point of “i”, per se augmentantly septo troppe e gli utioni vogliono sapere e devono capire il moto della richiesta dei loro dati, se lo sviluppatore condivide i data degi utenti con teri part, ma sop. Protected data.
“For this reason, we have already provided security for the session – Continue the team Google, Directly on the official blog – In this case, it is important to note that the contraceptive chiramenta chiaramente quali dati vengono raccolti and per quale scopo vengono utilizzati”.
With the new functionality, you can add even more features to the app to make it easier for you to collect these data easily. Essentially the soggy dell of attachment, for some very important, can be found in these cinquefoil points so that the swallowuppatiers may have the best in this session. Secure data: If the sviluppatore raccoglindo data and per quopalo, the sviluppatore is condividendi data with the third part, the practice of securing the app, as the critiques of the data in transito, it potentially seeks out the potential. Non solo.
Con lavità sviluppata da Google, One of the most important features of an app is that if you follow the norm with your family on Google Play to protect your child and children in the Play Store, you will be able to view and update your status. MASVS (The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) which is due to the level of verification of security and a series of requisitions of resilience reverse engineering.
Satisfaction and requisition MASVS If you want a secure and controllable app: this is what utility glimpses Google Playor the fatwa even the colossus Mountain View.