Honor introduced its first smartwatch with eSIM support at its launch event in China. But not just new, there is also a bigger AMOLED display and other interesting features. We give you a brief overview of what the Honor Watch 4 has to offer.
Thin on the side Foldable Magic V2 And Magicpad 13 Tablet, Honor recently introduced the Watch 4. In terms of design, Honor was probably inspired by the Apple Watch, which is why the smartwatch has a square AMOLED display. A very specific one is waiting for you 1.75 inch screen with a resolution of 390 × 450 pixels and a frame rate of 60 Hz.
However, for the first time an Honor smartwatch An eSIM is supported, which allows you to connect to mobile networks without a smartphone Then you can make calls, receive messages and use other apps besides the smartphone. Otherwise, the Honor Watch 4 connects to a cell phone in the classic way via Bluetooth.
Wanted for considerable strength and efficiency A main processor and two co-processors Care Also, the watch offers you five satellite positioning systems, which are useful such as b. Outdoor sports tracking. Apart from this function, the smartwatch offers all kinds of health features, but unfortunately you have to do without an ECG function here. After all, watch the clock heart palpitationsThe blood oxygen as well as sleep And stress levels.
Voice assistant and long battery life
The new Yoyo uses Honor’s MagicOS operating system with language assistant, but it will probably be able to speak Chinese first. Furthermore, one NFC support and Bluetooth 5.2 And a musical memory on board. When it comes to battery, Honor makes a promise Duration up to 10 days, which of course can vary depending on usage. The manufacturer also mentions that the battery life should be more than three days with eSIM enabled.
Honor Watch 4 will be available in three colors: Obsidian Black, Morning Glory Gold and Cloud Water Blue. The MSRP price is 999 yuan Equivalent to around 125 euros Either smartwatch will initially be available only in China and will probably appear later for the European market.
For better legibility, the simultaneous use of masculine, feminine and different language forms (m/f/d) is avoided. All personal titles apply equally to all genders.