If you see your friends suffering from ulcers, don’t panic. Here’s how to treat ulcers at Palworld.
Your friends are powerful companions who can help you do things in your base. Unfortunately, palworld companions, no matter how powerful they are, are not immune to disease, including the dreaded ulcer disease.
Although dealing with this ailment doesn’t seem as frustrating as the disease of overfullness, it shouldn’t be ignored—especially since it affects your friend’s ability to function.
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If you’re not treated, you’ll end up with a lot of unsightly corpses in your base that you’ll want to avoid at all costs. this game. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about ulcer treatment at Palworld.
How Palworld Treats a Pale Ulcer
It looked like a medieval medicine workbench.
You need to use medical supplies to treat a friend who is suffering from ulcers. These can be crafted from the Medieval Medicine Workbench, which you can unlock once you reach level 12.
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To build a Medieval Medicine Workbench you will need:
- 30 Holz
- 5 arrived
- 10 Diatom fragments
Once you have gathered all the necessary materials, simply build a Medieval Medicine Workbench and place it at your base. Here you will find various remedies that you can make to heal your friends, but especially for ulcers you will need to resort to special medical supplies.
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To provide treatment you will need:
Can collect horns and bones of other animals. At the same time, you need to have a refining equipment to process ores to obtain ingots.
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How to provide medical care to your friend
In Palworld, medical supplies can be used to treat ulcers.
Assuming you’ve got the medical supplies, you’re ready to feed them to your friend to help him get better. It is a very straightforward process. Here’s what you need to do.
- Go to your sick friend first.
- Press number four on your keyboard to bring up the options wheel.
- Select the Pal Feed option.
- Select medical supplies in your inventory.
Thus, your friend should be cured of the disease. This method also works for other ailments as long as you have the cure in your inventory.
Other Ways to Get Medical Care for Ulcer Treatment in Palworld
If you’re still leveling and haven’t unlocked your medieval medicine bank yet, don’t worry. There are other ways to get medical care, but they can take longer and depend on luck.
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Sometimes you might find medical supplies randomly dropped by enemies and chests. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s worth trying as an alternative. Traveling merchants also sell medical supplies, but at very high prices.