I finally gave up. After being prodded by my friends and inspired by the new TV show, I spent this past weekend mostly gaming. Fallout 76, Bethesda’s MMO survival game based on the open-world RPG. When it first launched in 2018, Fallout 76 Nothing more can be done against them. It seems many didn’t want it to exist as a special edition of the game in the first place Overrated players get a dirty bagAnd is released empty and empty. His development was a Total management failureAnd it seems the denizens of the game have given up entirely Fallout 76 Within a few months. However, Bethesda refused to give up on the game and a miracle happened in 2020. Fallout 76Come on wasteland extension It more or less reworked the game, introduced human NPCs, and introduced a new story that breathed some life into the depiction of post-apocalyptic Appalachia. Slowly but surely, Fallout 76 improvement.
Fast forward several years (and extension) and we arrive at 2024, where after termination Super new he read showsEveryone left Call to play Based on this. Some pick up Fallout: New Vegas and modify accordinglybut And more prisoners than that Fallout 4, the series’ last major single-player release, lives up to its reputation. And then, somewhere in the middle, there are people like me who have never played in the past Fallout 76Introduction I’ve heard before that it’s been redeveloped over the years and we’re now investigating what all the hype is about. Well, after playing for several days, I’m happy to report that I… So Art Take it.
Fallout 76 It was clearly made of bone Fallout 4With a focus on personalization and rule building to foster communities in online environments In that sense, it happened Bethesda It appears that the game was released without any real characters. The developer strongly believes that players should be characters in each other’s stories. wasteland After that long stretch, it felt like a course correction was made, adding a treasure-hunting storyline and relevant characters that were able to guide me better than what my friends were offered the first time I played.
What was most vivid and interesting about my time with him? Fallout 76 There was a tension between the new and old parts of the experience. I gathered a few of my friends who played the game before it was updated (and who have been trying to get me to play for years) and joined them. Even though my character was new, they played many hours. Fallout 76 Over the years they have been generous enough to let me replay some of their early content.
During our adventure, a new combination emerged wasteland The story and introductory missions of the base game, which I hear some variation of “this is new” every few hours. They highlighted quests and characters they hadn’t seen the first time they played, especially the ones they needed to talk to, and at one point one of them pointed to a chest called “Overseer’s Hideout” and told me: “That’s the whole quest from before. The box was the last in a series of notes from the Vault Overseer that I was tasked with tracking down Fallout 76At first, it suggests that the experience involves taking notes scattered all over the desert without any interaction with the actual characters.
This administrator hangs like a ghost Fallout 76Major work, and this cache shows how to do it It serves to tell his story. Holotapes, leftover notes, and other navigation keys were the only signs of life for other players at the time Fallout 76 has started However, most of this content sits alongside the more dynamic quests and detailed story, that is, in both versions of the game. Fallout 76 An experience that competes for your attention early in the morning. Unlike the rest of these fetch quests, the game begins with directions to the Wayward – a built-in bar wasteland An update that was intended to serve as a sort of secondary introduction – as I immediately found myself in a turf war with the attacking teams. During the short introductory story, I met a lot of real characters, liked dialogues that seemed important to me, and decided who would live and who would die in the end. I don’t look very sexy, but I think I played more roles in those first hours Fallout 4 Allowed within a similar time frame.
My friends were more strict when they first found out Fallout 76. The lack of characters and real direction in the early missions means it flies around the world with little to no context and very little depth. I know this because now I’m also doing those leftovers that I think should be cut or reworked at some point. The wasteland The expansion introduced human NPCs and a more engaging story, which my friends happily welcomed, although the wayward bar proved a bit boring. One of them had previously set up camp in the game at a remote spot where the new inn now stands. He jokes that Wayward and its inhabitants are “slaves”, forcing him to move his camp some distance away. The point is that they had fun despite the game, not necessarily because of it.
Overall, this starter material is pretty bad, and I’m effectively working on gaining XP before moving on to the real thing Fallout 76. But for my friends, that’s what happened when they first picked up the game, and it’s a terrifying thought.
But despite the obvious discomfort of both experiences, I’m having fun and so are my friends. Fallout 76 It’s clearly the first survival simulator for kids, making it a remarkably low-stakes world where you can dive in every moment and hang out with friends. to see it to accept His edges were smooth and everyone in the world was the nicest person he had ever met.
A friend took a cell (lack of a spare gas mask prevented me from helping him) and I waited outside in the bathing suit I had found. When another player collided with me, we yelled at each other and they gave me 20 boosts before going about their own business. Sometimes my friends and I would go on a scavenger hunt, sometimes I’d just explore while building bases, and sometimes we’d all just sit on the Wayward Stage and grab some instruments and dream of being a post-apocalyptic touring band; In addition to the band. outside of it Station Elf Well, I often dream, but they enjoy the song and sing along to John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads.”
Appears after completion showsBethesda had just what I needed he read Stories (your mileage may vary) and more A familiar doom wrapped around your head With friends. Somewhere where I can do my own shit with the disreputable characters in my life. And when no one is looking, Fallout 76 It has quietly become the most effective game for this purpose. Sometimes you just need to have a good time, but there’s never been a better time to travel to Appalachia.