The photography social network is testing a new feature that will allow users to customize in detail what content they want to see in their feed.
They are busy on Instagram And they never stop working on new features. If last May we were already talking about an innovation to view feeds in full screen and a few days ago we were talking about photo dump, it is worth mentioning that the photography social network owned by Meta is bringing more innovation.
As we found out Thanks to XDA DevelopersAt Instagram HQ Investigate a function to filter content. The idea is that in the future we can cut corners and hide content that goes outside the photo in our respective applications.
A feed more tailored to what we want to see
The tests, which are already being done, are intended to ensure that users receive the recommended content More with your choice. At least that’s the theory. And how they are going to Instagram that the user achieves it?
Users through this new function You can mark the content you don’t want to see in two ways: Either as sensitive content, or as content you are not interested in viewing. This is an interesting solution on paper, and also several items can be included in the selection at the same time. We note that you can already choose the elements you don’t want to see, but you have to identify the content one by one.
We were talking at the beginning that content goes beyond hidden images, and that is that this new function that is being tested will not only allow filtering by image, Words, topics, hashtags and even emojis. For now, there is no word on any date when we can enjoy this function from Instagram.
Note that recently, Instagram tried really hard To verify the age of users with artificial intelligence. Additionally, it has long introduced ways to limit sensitive content as part of an extensive list of new features.