Il First Legion Raid of Lost Ark – not like Valtan – è previst for the occasional event of gioco a breve term Read to complete this new content The 1415 for the normal difficolt and the 1445 for the difficolt difficile.
The team spies: “Valtan Introducing the first Legion Raid in Occidental version of Lost Ark. The Legion Raids are actively involved with a difficult team and seeks to collaborate and compile a strategy that necessarily contrasts the charismatic, ambitious and mechanistic rules of command. ”
Considerando che i Legion Raid There is an impending and requisite time, which is the portal (or checkpoint) that salvages and progresses mano che avanzate nel Raid di Lost Ark. Valtan è un raid da otto giocatori, ha due portali e introduce un po ‘di nuove mechaniche. Giocatori dovranno essere al livello oggetti 1415 per cercare di giocare a difficoltà normal and al livello 1445 per il differenticile “.
Valtan introduce in Lost Ark un new livello rarità For the most part, not like Relic, which gives you a very important bonus for the armature and the army. There is also a new class, Destroyer Advanced, with a number of new activities and missions.
Parlando al futurothe team of Lost Ark has changed to indicate a new roadmap is entering the fine mes.