The “Splat Gun Challenge” appeared earlier this month on TikTok (Photo by Mario Tama / Getty Images)
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Spring is in the air in parts of the United States, and that means people are getting outdoors more – but it also means that the latest social media challenges are now making the rounds. While many are harmless, others can be extremely dangerous.
That certainly seems to be the case with the “Splat Gun Challenge,” which began earlier this month on TikTok.
It calls for individuals to shoot air-soft type guns that fire water-soaked Orbeez pellets at unsuspecting strangers and to record the activities. In some of the videos making the rounds on the platform, users have been seen conducting “drive-by shootings,” authorities have warned.
“We’ve had several situations in the county where kids, student-aged children, adults, walking on the sidewalk, have been targeted and shot with these,” Lt. Jason Deater of the Frederick County, Maryland Sheriff’s Office told WTOP. “It scares people because they don’t know what’s going on. They don’t know what they’re being hit with right away.”
Challenge Not Accepted
While the impact from the Orbeez pellets is less painful than a paintball, the pellets can still cause injury, especially if they hit an individual in sensitive areas such as the eyes and ears. The other danger of course is that the person being hit could believe they are being shot by a real gun and respond with deadly force, authorities also warn.
In Maryland, where the challenge has appeared to have begun, it is also a crime. Law enforcement officials have made it clear that charges filed would differ by the specific situation, but individuals could likely face a second-degree assault charge, a misdemeanor in the state.
And that’s only if there’s no injury.
There is also a possibility of destruction of property charges if an individual’s clothes or other items are damaged. Other possible charges include disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property, while there could also be civil court consequences.
In addition to Maryland, there have been reports in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey and New York of individuals taking part in the challenge.
Stopping These Challenges
To date, the social media platforms have been largely ineffective in stopping such challenges, even as law enforcement is hoping to nip this one in the bud.
“Human nature is to seek out thrills, and unfortunately the nature of social media is also for people to want to ‘one-up’ one another,” warned brand marketing experts and social media pundit Scott Steinberg. “Some will always try to amp things up with these challenges, and that seems to be the case this year.”
The videos can make it look like good fun, but for those unsuspecting individuals who are the targets, it likely isn’t a laughing matter. That is why law enforcement is taking it very seriously, yet it is unclear if anyone will heed the warnings.
“You can publicize dangers and the lawlessness activities, but it remains to be seen whether that is enough to actually dissuade anyone,” Steinberg added. “It could have the opposite effect too, as some will want to take part simply because it is taboo.”
Such challenges will likely continue until – and probably even after – someone gets seriously hurt or killed.
“They’re only getting to get more ridiculous, dangerous and over the top. Our society has a competitive nature to outdo one another, and these challenges certainly show that,” Steinberg said. “Where do you draw the line? I’m not sure. We’ve already seen that people got hurt with the milk crate challenge last year, and that didn’t stop it. On the one hand this could be Darwinism at work. “
Technology analyst Roger Entner of Recon Analytics was even more blunt in his assessment of such challenges, “To quote the eternal truths of Forrest Gump’s mom: ‘Stupid is as stupid does’ and there is no cure for stupid.”