Currently its franchisee avatar Taking a new direction, as soon as new animated series and a movie that will reunite the legendary team of the story Nickelodeon, we can’t forget the upcoming Netflix show this year either. For that reason, fame cannot fade and thus we will have it Avatar the Legend: Realms ClashA brand new game with a hint of resource management and RPG warfare.
Surprisingly, a new trailer has been released for it, where we see a little bit of the story, which involves defeating a new enemy. Aaaah, the chosen airbender who was the only one of his kind after the disaster with the Fire Nation. In the video you can see animations similar to the series, including its appearance CoraA character that is set many years in the future.
Here you can see it:
Game Description:
The trailer showcases various characters from the Avatar universe, including Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, and the Avatar comics and novels. Check it out to see Korra, Aang, and the others with the revelation of Father Glowworm, a dark spirit first introduced in the novel The Rise of Kyoshi.
In Avatar Legends: Realms Collide, characters from the Avatar universe come together in a battle to restore balance and harmony under threat from a dangerous cult devoted to Father Glowworm, a dark entity in the Spirit World.
There is no confirmed release date for now, only that it will arrive on the platform Android and iOS.
Through: IGN
Author’s Note: There have been many failed attempts to launch Avatar games and I don’t think this is an exception. You need a studio that has a good idea for translating to consoles and PC.