Scam through WhatsApp These have become very common. Such practices focus on stealing personal and banking information from as many people as possible Thus, A new scheme has emerged, which involves duping people by offering them jobs that don’t exist.
Recently, a WhatsApp scam has become popular, where users are added to groups full of unknown people, where they are offered supposed jobs. Thus, A survey is offered asking for specific information about the user, including bank account details.
That’s not all, because once the scammer gains the user’s trust, he starts asking for money and requests for sensitive information, which represents a big danger. This type of internship focuses on young people looking for work, as well as older adults.. Thus, by assuming roles in prestigious organizations, these people take advantage of as many people as possible.
As always, it is recommended that all WhatsApp users pay attention to any kind of suspicious messages and avoid being part of groups where there is no one they know. It is best to block such messages as soon as possible.. This way, you can avoid falling victim to the many cases of extortion that have become known. In related matters, a new video feature comes to WhatsApp. Similarly, the application finally allows you to group favorites.
Author’s Note:
You have to be very careful with such habits. Extortion always happens at a time when people are most vulnerable. When you lose a job, it’s likely that you’ll be added to one of these groups and you’ll join them in promising a new job.
Through: vandalism