Game Informer conducted interviews with both the Chief Executive and Director of Programming Pikmin 4, Yuji Kandoas well as the Director of Planning Pikmin 4, Yutaka Hiramuki. In extensive interviews, its employees Nintendo About work with Shigeru MiyamotoCreator of the adorable franchise PikminAnd specifically they were asked how you feel about the process of working with a legend Miyamoto?
Mr Kando responded by saying he was “always honored to work with it Mr. Miyamoto. That being said, I hope people don’t misunderstand this, but we don’t work on games with the goal of ‘making the user happy’. Mr. Miyamoto‘”.
They were also asked about that statement Mr. Miyamoto 2015 was wrong, as he said earlier Pikmin was “almost finished”, although the game wasn’t released until this year. Continue reading to find out their answers.
In interviews with its developers Pikmin 4, Shigeru Miyamoto said:
“My words carry so much weight, people get confused if I say anything remotely random.”
You have an example of a strange or random comment Miyamoto Its development time is given Pikmin 4? I imagine it must be horrible Miyamoto Test your game and offer feedback. How do you feel about the process of working with someone like the legend? Miyamoto?
Kando: I am always honored to work with him Mr. Miyamoto. That said, I hope people don’t misunderstand this, but we don’t work on a game with the goal of “making the user happy”. Mr. Miyamoto“
What matters is how deep we go to discuss the game, and those discussions are the moments where we see how deeply we’ve thought about the game’s design. So in that sense, yes, we get nervous before an argument with Mr. Miyamoto“
In 2015, Shigeru Miyamoto Said in an interview, development Pikmin 4 “So close to the end.” Was that statement wrong at the time?
Kando: After development Pikmin dWe have started its development Pikmin 4 like a small group.
As we made several attempts and tried different things, there were times where we could see the game taking shape, but because we had to prioritize other projects, we couldn’t build the development team structure necessary to complete the game. But the fruit of our labor at that time is the fruit of what has happened Pikmin 4 nowadays
Pikmin 4 Available for Nintendo Switch From July 21, 2023.
Through: My Nintendo News
Editor’s note: It must be really scary, that Miyamoto Get feedback on the game you’re developing. And those who oppose him must be very brave, in the end these exchanges always result in great games.