Nokia on Friday announced it has hit the triple-digit milestone of 100 commercial 5G deals, adding 17 new 5G contracts in the third quarter. Earlier this week the Finnish vendor secured a win to supply BT’s 5G radio access network (RAN) in the U.K. The deal value was not disclosed but Nokia said it is now BT’s largest equipment vendor. Nokia also announced a renewed 5G RAN contract with Elisa in Finland this week.
Nokia has gear in 34 operational 5G networks, which include both public and private wireless networks.
The vendor noted that it’s involved in all of the 5G early adopter markets, with contracts for major operators in the U.S., South Korea, and Japan. In the U.S. all of the nationwide carriers including AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon have used Nokia for 5G, as well as regional provider U.S. Cellular (which became the fourth largest operator after Sprint merged with T-Mobile). Sprint had used Nokia in its early 5G network rollout.
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Dish Network is still putting pieces in place for its planned 5G network greenfield build, and this month picked Nokia for its 5G standalone (SA) core software. It was also involved when T-Mobile in August became the first U.S. operator to launch a nationwide 5G SA network.