Elon Musk took control Twitter A few days ago, and his new position was not without controversy. Now this is known last Wednesday The employer wants to lay off 50% of the company’s workforce. While there was no official confirmation at the time, an email recently began circulating indicating that layoffs would begin today.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, an email, which is not signed, started arriving in the in-tray of Twitter employees. It is mentioned here that today, November 4, Employees will receive a private message, revealing whether they will be discussing their workOr it’s time to leave your cubicle.
The mail seen by the American media is indicative It is “Unfortunately, [pero] Necessary to ensure the future success of the company. At this point, neither Twitter nor Elon Musk have issued a statement on the matter, and we’ll likely have to wait until later in the day to find out how big the layoff was.
In a related matter, Elon Musk wants to add monetized video to Twitter. Similarly, Musk wants to revive a certain social network by buying Twitter.
Editor’s note:
While it’s true that Twitter has a number of problems, it seems that Musk’s focus is not on solving many of the problems of ordinary people, but on making the social network more money, which is not bad, but his estimation is not correct. the best
Through: The Hollywood Reporter