Nowadays the world of gaming is already a global trend, where millions of players around the world spend their lives equally in different games. And now a new report indicates that Mexico Businesses are gradually growing in all areas, both for profit and for the various communities that join.
Research published by EAE Business School related to Gaming, eSports y streaming, from a gender perspective, reveals that more and more women are entering gaming inside Mexico Income generated from industry is gone 0.84 USD (Binance USD) 1.73 USD in 2009.
This is said by the author and director of the report SEAE Business School Strategic Research Center, Carina Melit:
Although gaming initially had a male sector, women have continued to increase their participation until they make up half of the population. Even at a professional level, there are more and more female role models in teams, in various jobs associated with production and in the management of companies associated with eSports. Despite this, there are still cases where women feel marginalized or even harassed, especially as players.
Domestically, accessory sales grew by 95% in 2020 compared to 2019, followed by console sales by 33.3% and software sales by 24.1%. The console segment continues to weigh heavily, whereas unlike Asian and European countries, Microsoft Companies that lead the market with Xbox One with 28.9%, then play station (23,4%), y Nintendo with him switch (18,9%).
In 2019, 72.6 million users were registered, and according to data provided by PQR Planning Quant, 18% of the Mexican population started playing during the pandemic and 30% increased their gaming frequency. 36% spend more than an hour on smartphones. 26% play between 20 and 40 minutes per day and 17% between 40 minutes and 1 hour, with only 4% of total games played for less than 10 minutes. And going back to smartphones, this is where women outnumber men.
In terms of age, it is the youngest who play: 49% between 18 and 24 years. Then the 25 to 34 year old group (40%), followed by the 35 to 44 year old group (38%) and the 45 to 50 year old group (35%).
On the other hand, one sector that is growing more and more is e-sports. 23% of women participate in these events, this is due to the fact that 35.75% confirm that the offer of these games does not like or attract the most of this genre, another reason is that 14.51% believe that the niche is sexist, 11.92% that the type of game is too much for men designed and 7.25% do not know leading women in the area.
Moving forward in the world of streaming, Twitch It took 55% of the total users, it still is YouTube Gaming 54%, later Facebook Gaming 53%. Men represent 63% of users and women 37%. This is what we are talking about Mexico Specific.
93.75% of men in this niche say they know female streamers, while women (61.90%) don’t know they see female streamers as beautiful (63%) and professional (61%). Almost half of the women consulted (45%) confirmed that they transmit the same image as men. And that’s how today’s girls grow up in the world of gaming.
Through: EAE Business School