In response to the manufacturing crisis of recent months, Samsung has announced that it will invest an insane amount by 2026 from now on.
A success lasts a long time. While the entire tech sector is facing periods of crisis associated with manufacturing, major brands are considering strategies to keep their position firm. This is it Samsung Which, in the last few hours, has announced that it will be placed on the plate A monster figure From now until 2026.
We talk about the good 6 356 billion To invest South Korea, To develop a new biopharmaceutical technology and chip. This was announced by Reuters, according to which the allocated budget is 30% more than the previous five-year period.
Samsung, on the way to invest ৬ 356 billion

In the meantime, we’ve talked about some of the progress we’ve made over the last year 1 151 billion To produce will have to spend until 2030 Chips and semiconductors. The goal? Cover growing market segments with ad hoc products In the wake of the manufacturing crisis and factory shutdowns in Asia, the tech giant has now decided to take another step to maintain its strong position and will indeed try to grow further. We will 6 356 billion The investment will be made by 2026, with the aim of maintaining and expanding the supply chain South Korea.
Again according to what emerged, the investment would allow such a 80,000 people find work. As already mentioned, the goal is to fuel the chip production to be introduced in the biopharmaceutical sector. Exactly at this second point, there was a meeting with the President of the United States last week Joe Biden. The visit was organized by the Vice President of Samsung Electronics Lee Jae-youngTo establish a close relationship. র 17 billion will soon be allocated to build a chip plant in Taylor, Texas.