A team of scientists fromUniversity of TokyoLed by Professor Shoji Takeuchi, managed to meet The finger of a robot From Living human skin, Created from a human cell culture. The Terminator era is approaching.
The skin is about 1.5 mm thick and consists of layers of epidermis and dermis and connects to the robot’s metal frame using mushroom-shaped fasteners. Since the skin is made up of living cells, it can heal itself with the help of a specific sheet of collagen placed on the injured area.
The goal of the discovery is obviously not only to create more realistic robots, but also to improve human skin transplants, as well as to create 3D models for drug and cosmetic testing, using animals instead. Skin can also be used to cover prostheses and make them more realistic.
Naturally with the announcement of the company from the University of Tokyo, Japanese social networks exploded and a barrage of suggestions for the use of various possible alternatives began, as well as all sorts of jokes, such as “Are you sure it was a finger?” Or “The University of Tokyo has started a new era of adult toys,” or, again, “The United States makes fighting robots, but Japan makes robots that accompany you at night.”
Joke aside, this is a great achievement, which I hope will bring benefits to all.