It’s been just over a week Pokemon Scarlet and Violet They launched into the video game market, something that created quite a bit of controversy regarding video game performance. And while many of their secrets have been revealed, it seems some trainers carry with them some doubts about the legendary creatures.
Although they accompany us on the journey Corydon o MyridanPlayers will realize that they are not registered PokedexWell, you have to fight for it and catch them later. If you’ve finished the game and don’t know how to get them, don’t worry, because we’ll give you a few steps to register them below.
Here are the steps to follow:
– First, you need to finish the main adventure of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
– You need to complete the dialogue in the director’s office and return to the paldia pit.
– From the laboratory part, you need to go back to the Abyss.
– To finish you need to climb the heights and face Corydon or Meridon.
Once you complete the steps, you will be already registered pokemonThis way you will be one step closer to completion Pokedex. A path that is not easy, especially if the player has only one version.
Note that games are available Nintendo switch.
Through: pokemon
Editor’s note: Wow, it’s very interesting to have legendary creatures following us from the beginning of the game. Although ultimately the mystique of finding them has been lost over time.