Delayed games shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, as it’s often done to deliver the best experience possible, or simply because the release date isn’t on time as promised. This is the case star wars: Knights of the Old RepublicThe game has officially stopped development as reported Bloomberg.
This new version of the classic 2003 Delayed because developers, Aspir media, they’re doing a restructuring on the team, with new jobs they need to fill. And it’s that the company fired both the art director and the design director this month.
In a series of meetings, the two studio bosses told employees that the project was on hold and that the company would seek new deals and development opportunities, leading to a blanket ban on talking about the situation.
The 30th June The demo of the game is over, so they showed it to the production partners Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC and Sony Group Corp. But things did not go well for the company, as the aforementioned elements were fired the week after the protest, saying they were surprised by the news.
There are two missing slots for this game, so development is going to take a break until they find staff. This allows partners to focus on the product they are looking for.
Through: Bloomberg