Already announced several weeks ago, Telegram is preparing to launch its paid version. Here’s what you need to know about platform premiums
It is worth mentioning that it is one of the most used messaging platforms in the world Telegram. There are millions of users who use it every day to send texts, both using their contacts and groups. The service continues to grow, and above all thanks to the work done every day By the developing team.
The clear goal is to ensure a platform that meets the needs of users as much as possible from every perspective. Exactly about this, a lot about the arrival The paid version of the service. With many expected benefits, not too much cost.
Telegram Premium, here’s what you need to know
If already offers features The basic version of the telegram Not enough, be aware that there is a possibility of activating the premium. This is a paid subscription that, after upgrading, offers you a series of additional services. For example, the File upload It can go up to 4GB, while with the base we talk about a maximum of 2GB. There Download speed Media files and documents will grow significantly depending on your connection. For public channels, will disappear forever Advertising.
Its level also changes Biography, With fonts that will be enlarged to 140 Stickers will have additional effects and will be updated monthly, as well as profile pictures that can be animated. But automatic audio transcription, better chat management, longer descriptions and captions and a simple badge that points to a premium account. Accessible for the price of everything 5.99 euros in Europe. A profitable and very useful solution for those who usually use Telegram on a daily basis and need fewer posts.