A long time ago actor Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual harassment, for which he was immediately withdrawn from the series or other roles that may come in the future. However, recently something positive has been announced for the artist and his relatives, since the New York court dismissed this serious charge. The suit was brought by Anthony Rapp, who says the actor touched her inappropriately at a party in 1986 when she was 14 years old. Rapp, now 50 and an actor, filed the legal action in September 2020 and sought nearly $40 million in damages.
Today, after a three-week trial in Manhattan federal court, the jury found that Rapp failed to prove his claim that Spacey made an unwanted sexual advance. The deliberations lasted for more than an hour and the judge after reading the verdict concluded that the case was over. It is worth commenting that there are more allegations against the actor, but absorbing one has given him a lot of peace of mind, even as he has roped in lawyers because of all the pressure he feels on his shoulders. All is not over, as he will continue with the next trial, in order to fully prove his innocence. Via: BBCNews
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