Despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic, especially in countries like Japan, Anime Significant growth has been seen in the financial sector. So a new report has indicated that This medium has grown by more than 13% throughout 2021 compared to what was registered in 2020.
According to the Japan Animation Association, the anime industry, which includes anime itself, merchandise, music sales, and more, 13.3% growth by 2021, with a total market value of approximately $19.7 billion.. Importantly, this is the highest total market value since the company began tracking these numbers in 2002
Continuing the growth rate in 2021 compared to what was seen in 2020, the overseas market share was around $9.46 billion, representing an increase of 5.97% to $10.89 billion in 2020. Although this report does not yet consider 2022, it is a sign of an upward trajectory for the industry as a whole.
In related matters, the Ash actress talks about the future of anime. Likewise, it seems a new Naruto game is already in development
Editor’s note:
Anime is one of the most important entertainment industries right now. Although the pandemic had a negative impact on the production of several shows, the continued success we are seeing is good to see. Now we have to see what this market will look like in 2022.
Through: Anime News Network.