The world of anime is always in constant evolution, and while there are directors who stick to their old achievements, they can’t afford to stick to one project. That is why the director of the film your name Still thinking of new work, with a slightly weird premise for the next production.
The movie is called Suzumo Suzum no Tojimari. This research is produced by CoMix Wave Films, and follows a 17-year-old girl who, after a chance encounter with a mysterious man, must close magical doors across Japan that contain a world-ending catastrophe. The most surprising thing is that the girl falls in love with the wooden chair at one point.
movie director, Makoto Shinkai, Manifestation is the central theme Suzum, closing the door, setting aside problems that might have been left open, is a kind of metaphor. As with his previous work, he will offer users a lesson they can take into real life, something he seems to aim to achieve in all his productions.
Suzum Next opens in Japanese theaters November 11th. It is expected to be released later in the West.
News related to the world of anime, this is confirmed me And roboco It already has a release date for its next season. here link To check the information.
Through: my box