One of the most controversial objects of recent times has come from IFA. A technological gadget that revolutionizes an object that we use every day and that we never thought of… in smart guise. Kitchen sink.
A type of kitchen sink. Like never before, we must say. is called Solitaire Water Base and will be produced by the group B.S And, apparently, it will revolutionize the way we use – and clean! – Kitchen sink. How many times have we seen everyday objects being distorted by technology? Accessories like never before smartsuddenly become objects Hyper-technologicalWith more or less useful functions, but above all with the aim of making our daily life more pleasant and easier?
Next on the list might be the kitchen sink, where dirty food ends up, where we wash our hands, where we clean fruits and vegetables. From now on, the nerve center of the beloved Italian cuisine, It can become one of the smartest products in our home. its product B.S First of all it focuses on design, which is unique in its kind, where they are masters Clean and smart linesAs with any self-respecting smart object.
Touch controls and ultra-minimalist design: this is the sync of the future

The basic position is actually perfectly flush with the kitchen top, giving the impression of being Single piece, seamless. Obviously there is a small slot for it water dischargeas well as potential Move down, which can be used both in low and high positions and in “classic” positions. The distributor obviously has the line square version Very minimalWhich practically makes it an all-round design object.
The movement below the sink is operated by one touch the superficie Present on the right edge, where touch a button to start the magic. It is also possible to completely remove the moving floor for routine and extraordinary cleaning and maintenance. Returning to the regulator, among its specialties, Absence of operating lever for liquid escape. In fact, touch one of the touch controls placed next to the sink to activate or deactivate the water, as well as its temperature. There is no dearth of touch sensors present on the tap head to ensure thorough surface hygiene in all situations.
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