Throughout its existence, hello infinite This has resulted in somewhat disappointing results for users, as there are still game modes that do not reach the title. One of the options that has created controversy is the stats one, as it is a bit more limited than previous games, leaving many unconvinced.
The game doesn’t offer any official way for users to check their stats in advance, other than a single match summary at the end. Those who want to see how well they’ve done over the long term won’t find that kind of data anywhere in the game’s menu. Not even on the website. 343 Art For the series, Hello WaypointPage where you can see what’s related Hello 4 and 5.
For now there is an unofficial solution, called a website Hello Data HiveWhich allows you to enter gamertags Xbox And look at the stats. You can see how many kills per game, how much damage has been done since launch at the end of the game 2021 and check decimal figures and their accuracy.
Even separate all data by season. Also, Hello Data Hive Teams include improvised data for players, affiliated with Halo Championship Series (HCS) and now, this is a page that is currently compromised.
Most of the Halo Infinite data comes courtesy of a fan-driven project HelloDotAPI. Established a year ago Alexis “Jenny” Bize, HellodotAPI was officially acquired by AutoCAD, a San Francisco-based technology company that focuses on APIAfter a few months 343 Art Perform a trio of technical flights hello infinite.
We’re the only Halo Infinite API on the market, a ton of services trust us, 343 won’t be releasing a public API anytime soon, and we can say goodbye to the community.
Run a API Collecting data is expensive. to us He spent $2,500 of his own money to get it off the ground; He was compensated by about $300 in Patreon funding, but not much. Last month, the founder CEO Dr Autocode, Keith Harwoodwrote in a blog post that HelloDotAPI This is no longer financially viable, with a tentative date of late July.
Note that its creators HelloDotAPI They mention that 343 Art y Microsoft, they can intervene and save the project. But till date both the organizations have refused to take any action. Also, 343 No concrete plans have been detailed to launch one API Internal ownership of the game.
Remember that hello infinite Available at Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S y PC.
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