T.According to Witter, it will begin to limit content from crisis situations such as the conflict in Ukraine. The company issued a statement on Tuesday. This is a policy that can limit posts even though Elon Musk (potential new owner of the company) says he would like to reverse the company.
The social media network Twitter will ban content that confuses its users about war crimes, mass attacks and other incidents. “If we have evidence that a claim may be misleading, we will not extend or recommend the content of this policy across Twitter,” said Joel Roth, head of security and integrity at Twitter. Wrote in a blog post. A warning prompt will be applied to infringing tweets, notifying users that the post violates the company’s Crisis Misinformation policy and disabling Twitter likes, shares and retweets, reducing how far the tweet can spread. The chariot Said This type of work can reduce the reach of a tweet by 30% to 50%.
Twitter and other social media companies have taken similar measures to combat other forms of misinformation বিশেষ especially during the last presidential election. Twitter is often seen as an innovator in this field, often led by Meta (the parent company behind Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) leading similar initiatives. While the initiatives may seem grand, they have put Twitter in a challenging position. They have to decide what constitutes wrong information.
Under the new Crisis Misinformation policy, Twitter “plans to rely on verification from multiple credible, universally available sources, including evidence from conflict monitoring groups, humanitarian agencies, open source investigators, journalists and more,” Roth wrote.
Historically, no one has been satisfied with Twitter’s moderate move. Liberals say Twitter doesn’t work well enough. Conservatives, like masks, believe it does a lot. In the end no one is happy! It seems like it’s hard to accept Twitter either way.
This latest policy comes at a time of change for the company. Musk’s deal to buy Twitter is stalled, and although he has little to say publicly about what he wants to do with Twitter, he has long been concerned about his desire to reduce it. This tweet is a great example of how he sees things:
Meanwhile, Twitter’s board is urging shareholders to approve the $ 54.20-a-share deal with Musk, even though the company has introduced policies that Musk will almost certainly dislike.
For the time being, Mask has been silent on this latest change in Twitter police rhetoric.