WhatsApp is undoubtedly the number one messaging app in the world. Millions of users around the world use it every day, but most of them do not know anything special about this application
Nowadays, the Messaging platform They have become an important tool in virtually anyone’s life. Used for messaging and multimedia content, audio notes, documents, calls and video calls in every corner of the world, they are being updated and increasingly complete.
In this sense it is impossible not to mention WhatsApp. Mark Zuckerberg’s app is constantly grinding record numbers, thanks to the work of the developer team. It cannot be done without and even if one of the many tools – made available for free – fails, it can be exposed. A real rebellion.
WhatsApp, the latest news that you must know
All the latest updates are launched – or about to be released – up front WhatsApp Detailed analysis is done. Several times this month the team of developers has decided Remove useful tools And to add others being praised by users. You have to be very careful about the latest rumors about the service, because you risk not keeping up with the full potential of the service
Thanks to the work done by the experts at WABetaInfo, we can preview exactly what additions should be made in the coming weeks WhatsApp. According to what has emerged, the platform will introduce one special label which signals when a The message has been changed. By doing this, one cannot work “undercover” and remain safe.
Already posted some screenshots about it. The “Changed” label will be placed on the right Shipping time is on the side of the message, appears just before the classic checkmark to accept the content. There is no definite news about the release time yet. It will probably still be needed Wait at least a few weeks. Although we are still in the development phase. So far, users who have joined the developer program can test the potential of this useful feature, which has been added to the list of all the others already approved and which will be released by the end of the year from now.