WhatsApp announced that it is expanding its role canal Intended for broadcast messages. The company said that canal It will be available to all users in no time 150 countries next week Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of the feature on his new channel WhatsApp.
“Excited to introduce everyone canal of WhatsApp, a new personal way for you to get updates from the people and organizations you follow I am starting this channel to share its news and updates meta“, said.
In June, meta First launch canal inside WhatsApp For users in Colombia and Singapore. In July, it expanded the feature to seven more countries.
its characteristics canal It is located in a separate tab in the app and others will not be able to see the channels you follow Additionally, your personal account information, such as your phone number, will not be visible to administrators or followers.
While the primary function of a channel remains one-to-many communication through broadcast messages, the company is adding new interactions, such as the ability to respond with emojis. Users will be able to see the total response count below the message.
With the global launch, WhatsApp There will be an advanced directory to find channels based on your country. You can sort this list by newest, most active, and most popular When users forward a channel update to a group or individual, it will include a link back to the channel.
For administrators, WhatsApp Introducing the ability to edit a message for up to 30 days The chat app lets you edit messages to individuals or groups, but with 15-minute windows.
It is important to highlight this meta Still limits the ability to create a channel to select individuals or organizations. The company says it plans to eventually allow everyone to create a channel.
The company said notable additions to the channels with the global launch are Olivia Rodrigo, David Guetta, Billboard, MLB and of course, Juke. Although WhatsApp He did not provide the exact number of channels available on the platform, saying there are now “thousands”. WhatsApp It also has its own channel to communicate about the app’s features.
In June, meta function is enabled canal inside Instagram Globally, which aims to connect creators with their followers in one to multiple communication channels.
In the past year, WhatsApp Experimented with features that cater to different group sizes. The company launched last November communities To facilitate multi-group communication for places like schools, residential complexes or clubs. last month, WhatsApp Introduced a feature that lets you create groups without naming them, with a limit of six people.
Through: TechCrunch
Editor’s note: No please, I can see it working better than that thread But, I don’t want more social networks.