its application WhatsApp Constantly updated, and now a new option will come accordingly meta, will make calling a little easier than before. This will make privacy even stricter, since now the phone number does not have to be given out, so external users or groups will not be able to see the numbers.
The function itself will come from this menu, and allows you to create links to make voice or video calls, to create the link you just need to go to their tab and click on the “Create Call Link” option. After that, you just need to share it with different contacts and the transmission can be done in seconds.
It is worth mentioning that it can only be used by users who have the latest version iOS y Android, so those who are no longer able to upgrade will be revoked for not using them. And as already mentioned, it will not reach all regions immediately, which means that it will have to wait a little longer to get it globally.
In news related to the company meta. It was confirmed a few days ago that they are making massive layoffs, the company is something like that Mark Zuckerberg Seen as personnel restructuring. If you want to know more about this news, we invite you to click on the following link.
Through: Facebook