Useful tips for millions and millions of users who use WhatsApp, instant messaging World number one. Of course, the takeover of Telegram (most likely in 2021) is something to watch out for, but the reliability of many development stages and a deadly weapon at Mark Zuckerberg’s disposal still works. great
Waiting for certain versions of unknown navigation, in the possibility of doing business without seeing others, or to avoid breaking boxes. By waiting for news, you can maximize whatsapp, As there is.
There is already a way to hide last online, or read notifications: blue tick, because this function is called by the youngest. WhatsApp shows when you were last connected and shows others by default, but ON iPhone You can disable it with two taps: Settings > Chat Settings > developed on Android Not much difference: Settings -> Accounts > Privacy Double blue check to hide last access time and read message.
Groups are good for any occasion. Stop!
One of the most used tricks on WhatsApp is related to countermeasures against the infinite groups that crowd our devices. We went away, let’s face it, now every opportunity is good to create groups (often valid for a few hours) and hoard the storage space of our smartphones: iPhone or Android, it does the same thing.
This trick has a twist – you won’t join conversations you don’t care about and flood you with notifications. But how? Just follow this path. tap account settings, e privacy, Scroll up “group” And you will be given the opportunity to choose who can add you to a WhatsApp group.
The blue tick It’s all default. But it’s editable, actually by choosing “Your contacts”, which are only stored in your address book, or by ticking “Except my contacts…” who you want to exclude from this possibility. An important note: if you want to go back to the initial experience, in the same manner, always remember to put everything back in place.
Another technique that is the most popular, son of the terrible clogging of groups, where a careless video of videos is inserted, perhaps to laugh for a few minutes, useful to forward it to some contacts, is to backup and restore Whatsapp messages.
The world’s number one messaging service automatically backs up conversations to Google Drive on Android phones and iCloud on iPhone, but there’s also a manual part. On Android, internal backup goes through the three dots in the top right, Settings, Chat, then Chat Backup.
On Melafonini it’s the same, practically the same: tap Settings, Chats and Chat Backup.