WhatsApp ha After some waiting, I introduced myselfA Endless, A very important new feature for everyone Those Those who want the ability to transfer data from iPhone to Android and vice versa But in what Way Can it be fixed?
Finally WhatsApp Has announced the release of a new feature that allows users to transfer their data Android Advertising IPhone, And obviously vice versa. We’re talking about a series of possibilities that, for a while, everyone expected to be there, but things that were rarely known, seen, and considered weren’t talked about at all.
However, this new setting will only be available to those who participate WhatsApp beta program, With the gradual release and which will spread to everyone in the coming weeks And data transfer, and unlike traditional backups, will be through one, not through the cloud. Direct Wi-Fi connectionMuch safer than others.
WhatsApp’s new entry is dedicated to file transfer
We have the official commentary Mark ZuckerbergThose who wanted to announce the distribution of this new patch:We’re adding the ability to securely switch between Android and iPhone and transfer chat history, photos, videos and voicemail between Android and iPhone while maintaining end-to-end encryption on WhatsApp. This is one of the most requested features. Last year we brought this iPhone to Android capability and now we have added Android to iPhone support.“
However, in order to make the most of our potential, we need to have Intalto iOS 15.5. Subsequently, the execution of “migration” will be related to the amount of data completely transferred. Both source devices Android ThatIPhone They need to be enlightened throughout the process that will transfer your account information, profile photos, individual chats, group chats, chat history, media files and settings.
When we have finished the transfer, if it seems you need to drop Phone Android, we can take it to the Apple Store to recycle for free. In short, they really thought about it, so we don’t even have to worry about it being “excessive.” Instrument We have.
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