It will be a crazy innovation and will be long requested by users. WhatsApp is considering adding a button to edit sent messages
Even today WhatsApp One of the most used messaging platforms in the world, due to its many features it is much more Developers team. 2022 was a very prosperous year in this sense, not to mention the many updates to the pipeline and which will see the light of day in the coming months.
More official details on the matter are pending, they are chasing each other Rumors and inscretions What could be the upcoming news. In it, there will be a key to allow Change sent message. Therefore, without the need to eliminate them and send new ones.
Message editing on WhatsApp, here are the details
91 thought of launching mobile news. It seems that WhatsApp The beta developer of a feature long requested by users has started testing phase 7 We are talking about ‘Edit’ button for messages, Which allows anyone to change the content of a text – individually and in group chats – regardless of the sender. According to what has been revealed, Just hold the message Tick ​​the question and the ‘Edit’ option.
Clicking on it will open the virtual keyboard from where you can intervene to change what was written earlier. We’ve been talking about this for a while, but now we should finally be there. Obviously, the news should still be taken with a grain of salt, as WhatsApp has tested its effectiveness several times in the past. Which then returned to the construction site. Users and professionals hope this time we have come to a conclusion, a global rollout that may come in the coming weeks. Waiting for clarification from what is left Colossus of Zuckerberg The same