Consume an anomaly of batteries on iPhone, with the installation of the latest version of iOS 15.4, è this is the signal from various users with the ultimate ore. For all intents and purposes, Apple has released the latest version of the iPhone operating system.
Sembra che il rilascio di iOS 15.4 non abbia portato buone notizie in casa Apple. Multi-utility, not ultimate ore, is always a consolation accessory of your battery iPhone with the latest operating system installation. What’s so significant about a goat’s head? ”
An agreement that, for each of them, will definitely be important if not fundamentally useful. With iOS 15.4 there is no solvent bugs and proverbial bugs The system and generics of the smartphone. Arriving even alpine functions impulsively anticipates how sblocco con FaceID also with mascara Edited and certified in Wallet, but also the translation in the real time page of Safari page, a renewed assistive vocal, new emoji and much more.
The latest Twitter feeds: with iOS 15.4 batteries that are far from over
In fact, in this message, the newer or more interesting, we hear the various signals from Twitter that the latest protagonist will get the ultimate release on iOS. Nello specifico si parla di Performance lato consolation and autonomia sensibilmente peggiorateDownload the latest version of iOS 15.4 in the same template. Alcuni lamentano addirittura un Consume two batteries Receive the latest version of the operating system.
“The duration of the battery on iOS 15.4 è davvero pessima”Is on Twitter. “Dopo 24 ore – 80%, but I don’t think there is more than 2 ore and use only Safari, YouTube, Instagram, Uber“.
Insomnia alcuni messaging that lasciano davvero di stucco and allarmano buona part of these utterances intended to aggravate and proprietary dispositions that he, dopo these signals, potrebbero responses to effttuare l’update. Cèè an even da sotolineare come the battery, solitably, Improved alguni giorni prima di tornare perfettamente functiona front page of an important system as Apple’s ultimate relativity.