When faced with criticism on social media, keep this in mind:
There is a real man somewhere.
Even the worst trolls, who criticize you all day long and feel resentment against society, still have a spirit and are still liberating. When we are truly honest with each other, we reveal that the world is a difficult place and it is not easy to be human. Some of us admit it more easily than others.
Interestingly, social media is a place that is মতো like the real world এবং and being authentic in our real-world relationships can help you find and connect with like-minded people. It actually “works” as a way to connect.
I recently noticed this when I “sprinkled beans” about how hard it is Write a book. I changed my entire approach, especially to my email newsletter but also to LinkedIn and Instagram, and explained the intense research process. Away from friends and family, I touched on how difficult it was to isolate myself in a remote cabin for a week through a few chapters.
I was surprised and somewhat relieved to hear from a notable speaker, writer and business owner Elena Cardon That has a similar aspect to it.
Truth is really victorious. I had an idea about his perspective when I saw a few key messages and Read his always-interesting LinkedIn posts About the reality of being a mother, running a business and being busy.
“Honesty is one of the most powerful ways to connect with others online and offline,” he told me recently. “In the context of social media, I’ve learned that when I show my authentic self, people resonate with me and recognize me.”
Cardon explains that people are attracted to the truth. This is the wish of all of us, because we want to be real with each other.
Interestingly, being genuine and honest is a way to show empathy for others. Cardon says being authentic gives others the ability to be real and to grow in confidence, to express your own skills and talents to an audience that most of us don’t always perceive as welcome or helpful.
The most striking revelation, though, is that our own truth helps us reach a wider audience, because we are not hiding behind a veil. Think of it this way: if you really want to connect with people who will support your cause, or buy your books, or listen to you on podcasts, then it makes perfect sense to reveal who you really are because it also wants to attract the type of audience you want.
When we are fake, we attract other cheaters who are never around. “You can’t fit everyone’s mold,” said Cardon “So, stop trying. Be you and let it roll.”
Of course, there is a limit to how much we can each take. Cardon advises avoiding gossip traps and sharing your dirty laundry, which can lead to criticism.
“Manage your affairs behind the scenes,” he says. “You can be honest when you tell people how you handled the situation. You can use these bad times as a way to educate in a positive and very practical way. However, no one needs to see the wreckage of the real live train. It’s not inspiring.”
Also, truth is not like revealing every detail of your life. In the example of my book, I decided that I wanted the process to be easy and to stop thinking on the road without any hindrance. Since my book is about productivity, I stopped trying to convince people that it was all smooth sailing and that I was perfectly productive at all times. When I made that switch, and stopped trying to impress people with what proved to be the hardest project I ever made, I began to see more comments in the posts … that might relate to my imperfection journey.
For me, being authentic means I can find my crowd, and when it comes to criticism, I can at least rely on people who understand my point of view and my past history. I can choose who can respond to me.
“Human words don’t define you,” Cardon added “Often, they say more about themselves than they do about you. The point is, keep exposing the content and who it might affect. Don’t stop at the first sign of criticism.”
In the end, when we find like-minded people who are attracted to the same real-life situations and issues, it helps because we can enjoy the knowledge of the crowd, not the fingertips of trolls.