One of the most anticipated shows on Disney Plus is none other than Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, a three-dimensional animation that addresses the adventures of various characters associated with the Jedi Council. One character who will be part of the cast is Yadol, and now her voice actress for the episodes has been officially confirmed. It has been confirmed that actress Bryce Dallas Howard will play the role, it was revealed through her social networks and fans reacted positively to it. For those of you who don’t know, Dallas has been a part of great movies like the Jurassic World trilogy, Black Mirror, Spider-Man 3 and more great quality products. Meet Yaddle in #TalesOfTheJedi — voiced by me *squeal* — streaming this Wednesday, October 26 only on @DisneyPlus . Thanks @dave_filoni for making this dream come true #StarWars @TheCloneWars — Bryce Dallas Howard (@BryceDHoward) October 25, 2022 Meet Yaddle in #TalesOfTheJedi — voiced by me *screech* — this Wednesday, October 26 only on @Dneylu Streaming. Thank you @dave_filoni for making this dream come true #StarWars @TheCloneWars This is the synopsis for Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The upcoming anthology animated series of American origin for Disney+, based on the famous Star Wars story by George Luke. Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi was originally a comic book series consisting of eight story arcs, all published by Dark Horse Comics. Ulic Qel-Droma is the protagonist of five of the comics’ eight story arcs. Nomi Sunrider is a Force-sensitive individual and her story is told on her path to Jedi Knighthood. Odan-Ur is a thousand-year-old Jedi Master who presided over the Conclave of Deneb. Freedom Nud, a fallen Jedi who became a Dark Lord of the Sith. Exer Kun is a hell-bent spirit bent on reclaiming the powers he once had as the Dark Lord of the Sith. Note that it will be released on October 26 on Disney Plus. Via: Comic Books
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