The announcement came directly from Mark Zuckerberg, proud of the results he just got: to do better than Telegram for once. The CEO of Meta, the holding company of Facebook and Instagram, among other companies, has announced to the world that the range of emojis to respond to WhatsApp chats has expanded beyond limits.
For once, we said, WhatsApp Does better than Telegram: The free version of Durov’s messaging app doesn’t have a lot of smileys available, the payer doesn’t have much more, while WhatsApp has really exaggerated this time.
In a good way, that. In fact, even if Rollout, From now on, it is possible to respond to any message you want to use with a smiley face, choose from all available, and respond with the skin color of your choice.
WhatsApp Response: Same method, much more laughter
So if today it is possible to respond to messages with just 6 emoticons, from now on there will be hundreds of possible responses to private messages in a chat, be it private or a group.
For a beautiful step forward WhatsApp Which will enable its users to express their views in any message with a simple smiley face, which can be more explanatory than the smileys found today.
The procedure is always the same: next to each chat or group message on WhatsApp, a smiley appears which, once clicked, opens a “horizontal screen” with various. Emoji Available to respond to messages.
Once you click on the desired emoticon, it will be attached to the message you want to respond to, and the recipient will receive a notification that he or she has just received a message. WhatsApp.
At this point, we said, the function is still there Rollout This means that not all users WhatsApp You’ve still received an update to this feature, and so to see if you already have this feature, all that’s left is to open the chat and check if the number of smiles for responses has increased.
One thing is for sure: soon, indeed very soon, all its users WhatsApp, In fact, always the most famous and used instant messaging app in the world (and we are not surprised, and why we understand), their received messages will have unlimited response novelty.