Not for sale. Apple continues to think that the app is obsolete, since the time of non-chauvinistic aggravation, pottery can be sparked from the online store of Cupertino. The company, led by CEO Tim Cook, sent an e-mail with a screenshot to the developers interested. Indicates an autistic aut.
“Apply to the best of the app“. The e-mail address will be sent to your lungs Apple. And so far so good: Remove the app from ‘App Store that non sono state “aggravated in a period of meaningfulness” and conceded agli sviluppatori solo trenta giorni per aggiornarle.
“Also keep this app available for new users with scopers and scares from the App Store inviting an update for 30 revisions – scrive Apple nell’e-mail – If you do not invite any advanced entry within 30 years, the app will be sold remotely.”Mentre Apple removes the app from the App Store, all the app scratches preceded by its disposable users.
Cèè chi dice no: perch Apple will not remove the app obsolete

At the same time, I express my disapproval of Apple’s decision, but I am not sure. Protopop Games Robert KabweTwitter, which has been critical of Apple’s decision-making process, is trying to figure out which model and player Motivoto, A completely fun game, but it has not been updated since March 2019.
Nel frattempo, Kosta Eleftheriouthe sviluppatore della tastiera FlickType per Apple Watchafferma che Apple Removed a version of their app realizing automatically for non vedenti, although not updated due to annihilation.
Come sottolinea Eleftheriou In his tweet, the Pocket God app, one of the most popular, rimane ankora sul’App Store anche se ha chalavuto il suo ultimo aggiornamento nel 2015. dall’App Store. Many other developers share this experience, noting that they simply don’t have the time to upgrade their app.
In this page Miglioramenti dell’App Store, Apple offers the dose: “We are implementing a continuation process of app valuations, app removal that is not much fun as previst, not following the exact lines of revision or obsolete.“.
Not even one timestamp On this page, which is not immediately clear when Apple has published or updated the latest post. But I told him that the e-mail sent a message, or if it was aggravated by the lascia l ‘App Store.
I criticize this politics, come rivela The VergeThanks to the fact that the mobile app can be downloaded independently from this site, it is possible to sell video. Altri, invece, affirms that politics is inevitably rigid. Tant’è.