Do you want to edit a photo with a Samsung smartphone and remove an unwanted object? Here’s how to do it, it’s very simple.
More people these days They use their smartphones to take pictures. All thanks to the latest generation of photographic sectors available by large companies, which offer top-of-the-range sensors that professional cameras have nothing to envy. Not forgetting the software, which is increasingly advanced and has plenty of editing features available.
For example, have you ever had a dream Remove unwanted objects from the background that spoil the shot? If you own one smartphone samsung, You can do it in seconds. And you won’t even need a third-party app, it’s already available by default with the customized version of Android that the South Korean company has been offering for years. Follow these steps and your photos will be practically perfect in seconds and free from any errors.
Photos from Samsung smartphones, so you remove an unwanted object from the background
If you’ve taken a picture that looks good but you want to perfect it, they’re probably here Some objects in the background are unwanted And they have nothing to do with the real hero of the shot. That’s why you might think of removing them now, but you don’t know how May be because you are not expert in editing or you don’t want to download third party apps which can prove dangerous.

But there is one technique that you will learn and without which you can do no more. Works with Samsung devices only, Although now all major companies are able to offer editing tools that are very useful and interesting to use. First, open Gallery and select the photo you want to edit. Now tap on the pencil icon at the bottom And then to the three dots found as the last item on the bottom right.
A series of useful options for editing will appear, but the one that interests you is this Eraser object. Once you select it, you will have the possibility to indicate all those extra background elements that you want to delete. You can point them either by tapping on them or by manually selecting an area with your finger. Confirm operation And in no time Samsung’s software will work for you. By utilizing the internal potential in its disposal. And that’s it, as if by magic your photos will be completely different!